What is the advantages if growing older, if any?
One is, as a new book title claims, “the art of not giving a f@ck. ” And with that I mean not being bothered by things, like bigger houses and cars and things. Experiences mean more. I would rather see than have.
The other is to be able to form a bigger picture. Thousands of little pieces of information tuns, like a thousand puzzle pieces into a clearer picture.
One can implement experience into your daily lives, like knowing that you can not live another persons life, or make his decisions, or take their responsibilities.
Being able to know yourself and make peace with yourself, enable you to live in peace with others.
Today is Assumption day. A public holiday with nothing open! Even in Paris! I had a wild goose chase this morning to closed museums but ending up walking and sketching.
After a glorious afternoon nap we attended a piano recital in the intimate St Efraim church. Jaques Dor as pianist. He played Bach in a more romantic than barock style . Interisting . Then Mozart fantasy and a lot of Chopin. Especially the sonata nr 2 with the beautiful funeral march, one of my favorite piano pieces. I am glad because Chopin seems to be out of fashion these days. The music is so melodic and intimate. We should hear more of it.
Rest of the evening I spent with my paint brushes. I am just to scared to show it yet.