

I initially was very intimidated by the modern art that young artists at the Cité practiced. Installations with a few superficially incoherent objects that is exhibited but with a deep, well developed exploration and a lot of thought going into it all. But not at all art in the conventional sence of the word.

But I calmed my fears and decided to do an open studio exhibition. When I started counting I had almost 60 artworks. Not bad for a two month period!  Added to that there is another almost 60 You Tube videos that I also realized. I will also exhibit sketchbooks/ journals of our stay here.

So what did I do today? Thes morning I put up the biggest part of the exhibition. In the afternoon Frederika and me spent the afternoon walking in the Marais part of the city and watching people. It is amazing the amount of specialist shops, interisting buildings,  churches and even art exhibitions the city has to offer.

An exhibition of small icon style paintings in a church

Tonight I must write a description of my  exhibition that the Cité will use for advertising on social media.


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