
  1. I thought a lot about being an artist and the difficulty in making a living out of being creative. The autobiography of Phillip Glass made me think about it in a different light. Even after he became world famous he still had a day job: taxi driver, plumber, artist studio helper. From all his side jobs he learned something that made his art richer and more interesting.

I do not know many people who live their passion. Whose job is their ultimate dream. Most people do their job so that they can make a living. I am very fortunate to live my passion. But sometimes I do dream about living a creative life. I realized how much one can create if there is no other time consuming task waiting to get done.

Human beings are so fortunate to be able to be creative. Maybe I should be content to be able to do my small bit of creative output and be content that I can do it. At least I can by doing this put some joy in someone’s day. And one day leave a little more behind than a small pile of dust….

I did the whole wild goose chase number again today. All the way to Clignancourt to come, once more, to hunt out the antiques market and ended before closed doors. But at least I know where it is! Will I go again? Maybe…

Back in the studio I surprised Frederika with a tergine, an Marrocan cooking utensil of pottery. Got it at a bargain close to the antique shops.

Madame is off cooking this afternoon so I went looking for the Paris Elevated Walkway. It looks like an old disused Metro rail, but reinvented as a recreational area for walking, jogging or just sitting out in the sun. It is played with trees, grass and flowers. You walk at the level of a third floor apartment. You see Paris from a birds eye view. Underneath the arches were closed off to form artists galleries and design shops. Cape Town can learn something from Paris…

Shops is underneath, walkway on top

After a cup of coffee I set of looking for the English bookstore, Abesess. After many other stops I finally found it. What a treat. Bookshelves from floor to roof, two layers deep but surprisingly well organized. There are always a few authors I am on the lookout for. One is Haruki Murakami. I could hardly believe it when I found a full range of his books, and one that I do not have yet. There was a beautiful translation of Dante’s Devine Comedy as well (I did not want it but the poor book begged untill I bought it).

Madame brought home a delicious collection from chef school. Fortunately eating is my other hobby…

Madame was very tired of an afternoon at school so I set of alone to the theatre for another concert. Danielle Laval played Mozarts very well known Piano Concerto nr 21 K 467 and the Cellist Renaurd Laval presented the Saint-Saens Cello Concerto nr 1. Added was the Indomeneo overture and the Haffner Symphony.

The best part of any concert for me is when the orchestra tunes up before the concert. I can feel their tention and excitement.

What a joyous day. I am really tired.


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