New Life tomorrow.

I am so ready to go back to work! I had the most incredible break anyone can ever ask for. It is a time I will treasure forever, but this morning I realized I am ready for my new life! I am ready for a new challenge, and I need purpose in my life. I am excited about starting my new career! Worcester hospital, here I come!

On a walk in the mountains yesterday I realized again in what a beautiful country we live, even if we don’t always take advantage of living in a rural town. Sunshine is a gift to mankind and we do not appreciate it.

While lying in bed I was reminded of one of my rules for living a creative life. It is called the five second rule. It means that if you get an idea you have five seconds to act on it before your brain will start giving you reasons why you should not do it.

Example: you are at an art exhibition and you see the artist, someone you admire, maybe even copy to some extent and someone whom you wanted to meet for a long time . Now you have the chance to meet the person. Within five seconds your brain will tell you it is a bad idea. The person will be bored with you, he is to busy now and twenty other reasons not to do it.

So if you get the impulse you have five seconds to act on it. Don’t try to analyze it . When you get the idea, start by reacting immediately. Just take one step in his direction, the second step is an easier decision already. This must become a practiced ritual. It will take you out of your comfort zone and will enrich your life endlessly. Try it.

4 thoughts on “New Life tomorrow.”

  1. Dit is ongelooflike wyse woorde. Ek ly beslis aan ‘over-analyzing’ soos my man dit noem! Sal die raad in gedagte hou wanneer ek weer begin self doubt!

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