Private Practice

Today I went to see my boss to talk of my new job and decide about the future of having a limited private practice in Worcester on an after hours basis. Due to happenings at the Worcester hospital in the last few months attitudes regarding part time practices changed a lot.

After consultation and a lot of thought I agreed to NOT consider doing part time private practice. I know this will upset a lot of my faithful patients. It comes as an unexpected blow to me as well. In the end I think that it will be the best for everybody involved. I think that everybody who knows me well enough will know that I do not do things if I can’t do it full out.

I made a tough decision to close my practice that I built up over twenty one years. Perhaps I should stick to that decision and go for the new life I am building. I am sad knowing I will not be able to see and treat my patients, I really miss the interaction with you people. I miss my old team of nursing staff and the other beautiful people who worked with me as well. It is not easy to walk away from 21 years. It was a great time…

10 thoughts on “Private Practice”

  1. I truly understand your decision. I have been an old faithful for a 17 years and I will truly miss you dearly. Blessings on the new journey and adventures ahead!

  2. Good luck Emile. Sounds very sensible. I am convinced that you will make a huge contribution to Worcester Hospital and the community.

  3. Nooittttttttttttt na wie toe gaan mens nou ek ken nie die ander Dr’s nie????????????????????????? Kan ek Worcester Hospitaal toe kom daar afspraak maak by DR??

  4. Ek was ook altyd privaat by dr totdat ek nie medies gehad het nie, maar toe ek gister vir dr sien by Worcester hosptiaal het ek geweet ek is meer as veilig in dokter en u mede kollegas se hande, elke wolk het ‘n silwer rand dalk is daar ander ook wat dr se ervare hulp nodig het.

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