Fashion Scene today

At the museum of decorative arts is an exhibition dedicated to the fashion designer Dior. So off we went. Yes, monseur le Dishwasher as well. All I can say is amazing. I have never before in my life saw so many enchanted, enthusiastic, smiling women together! Ever!

It was an absolutely spectacular exhibition. Even if one is not into fashion it is easy to understand that enthusiasm and excellent creativeness goes hand in hand with greatness. 

The rest of the museum is dedicated to decorating furiture and everyday utesils through the ages. Once again true craftsmanship and good design equals timeless beauty.

But I was not just looking at dresses all day. I had an incredibly busy morning. I finished 2 paintings, a nude and a still life with an apple.

Ledevia at the I art gallery promised me an exhibition on the twelfth of October for the Paris works. I hope there will be enough art for an exhibition!  But I am working on it

I hope to see you there!



This morning I had to check my phone to see what day it is! Days flow one into another. Life here is carefree. We live a sensual life of seeing beautiful things, hearing incredible music, both in concert and the street buskers. Great food and wine to taste snd smell and a day without time. We read, go to sleep and wake up spontaneously.

As I said before, will I be able to settle into a normal routine again. I love this life without stress, without responsibility and without possessions. Mabe we should look at to see what we can implement of this into our normal lifestyle. There must be a lesson to learn!

I know about the Henner museum. On my previous visit it was closed when I got there. I read up on him and it sounded stuffy. Frases like academic painter and portrait painter sounds dark and gloomy. But when I read that his work is difficult to catagorise I decided I do need to see this. Tonight I must confess: I am in love with another painters work!  Continue reading Today

Artist & Traveller