So much art in my brain. I hope to, some time, be able to sort it out and put something on canvas. The output is far slower than the input!
Today we visited the Montmartre Basilica. It is such an important place in me and Frederika’s lives. Here, many moons ago we decided, under the blue and gold canopy to start with a family.

Even though it is a relatively modern building it still a beautiful church with incredible art and stained glass windows. The shape and height gives it a huge and awe filled atmosphere.
Right next door to the great Basilica is another favourite small church of mine, the St Pierre. Today Frederika showed me that it is the church of all artists. The low vaulting and beautiful windows, as well as very few tourists, gives it an intimate atmosphere. The modern windows is stunning and I spent a lot of time drawing them. I need to go back there again later…

We ate in the vibrant atmosphere in the artist area . I got time to sit and draw once again. I am so glad I have a patient, loving travel partner. It is wonderful to just be here and absorb the energy of the place.

Soon afterward it is time to greet our friend, Stephan, whom is on his way home, to London. We had a good visit together. Once again you tought me a lot about European wine. Thanks my friend!
We made our way back home for a quiet evening.