Not with a bang….

One of the modern British poets I like to read is T.S. Elliot. The poem Hollow Men is always a wake up call. The poem is like a diamond with many facets. But especially, for me, it is about not leading a full and fulfilling life.

The last sentence says:

“this is the way the world ends

not with a bang, but with a wimper.”

The way we live our moments is the way we live our lives. Stop living for: “one day when….”. Our lives past by while we are waiting for one day! We can not all do great things, but we can do small things in a great way.

But get up and do it! Now!

Continue reading Not with a bang….

Time with no borders

.It is incredible to live a life without time limits.  No appointments,no emergencies, no ‘have to do things’ to attend to. One day flow into another seamlessly. I live an idiotic life of painting a little and seeing beautiful things. It is like a dream come true.

After a morning of playing with paint we set off to the Museum D’Orsay,the home of the impressionists.

The treat today is an exhibition on Cezanne portraits. I never realized what an important part it played in his career. The selection represents his whole career and illustrates his painting development as an artist.

The beautiful selection of Van Gogh impressed me.

I love the work of the pre Thaiti days of Gaugin and this collection is outstanding.

But the museum is huge with very accessible art. One can spend days here. But after a few hours I really started to feel beauty fatigue!

But as May West said: To much of a good thing is wonderful!

Stephan took us to a wine tasting center with a enomatic wine sampling system.

The knowledge of this man  on wine is incredible. We sampled wine from different wine regions, the same cultivar from different regions, fantastic older wines. Quite an experience. I am very proud of the fact that he says it was me who tought him to appreciate wine.

After dinner, we are off to bed.




Artist & Traveller