
After the Giacometti exhibition of yesterday I was excited that an artist I have a lot of respect for liked to study other artists work as well, and some of the drawings on exhibition is the same works I sketched previously in Florance as well.

This morning I prepared canvases and started doing ground layers. While waiting for it to dry I started sketching. The buildings, especially gothic churches have to much detail on them for quick drawing that I need to adapt my style. It turned out to be so much fun, that it took up the rest of my morning.

Continue reading Thursday


How can any full time artist live with just one easle! I am on three canvases at a time and still not satisfied. Oils take too long to dry! Fortunately I am working in three different styles… But it is part if my problem . There us not a distinct style. I get bored when I have done smething and can’t endlessly repeat the progress to really perfect it.

I decided years ago that it does not have to be an income, art is to enrich my life. It is about the interisting people it brings me into contact with and the places it brings me. And Paris is one..!

Continue reading Wednesday

Tuesday musings

Be gentle, everybody you meet is fighting a fight you know nothing about. 

Just a thought for today.

The blog is really fun and I do it for a record for myself to look back at later. But it takes hard work and discipline. I usually do the visual diary thing. Drawing with short descriptions of every day.  My inscriptions becomes less. But I still draw a lot.

Today was the museum of Modern Art, Paris’s turn. There is a lot of temporary exhibitions going at the moment and space for the permanent exhibition is less than normal. All the works  was still new to me.

First room dedicated to the Matisse dancers. Why don’t I have the nerve to paint like this? Free, spontaneous and joyful.  I just sat there staring.

Even the studies are great.

The rest of the work is stunningly beautiful as well. Bonnard is so colorful.

Sculpture is great.  Zatkine is a favorite of mine.

This painting of Daffy fills a big hall with the theme of development of electricity.

A meal at home by madame la chef (which makes me monseur le dishwasher) . But the carpaccio went well with a good Bordeau red!

We spend the afternoon in the Luxenburgh gardens. I could sit and sketch while Frederika watched the people.

I think that I will easily travel alone, but to have a good travel partner is fun. After so many years together I almost need to really validate my experience by sharing it with her. We close our night with another organ recital in Notre Dame. A powerful program by world renowned Kalevi Kiviniemi. My ears are still ringing after my beloved Widor Tocatta.

Artist & Traveller