Bonjour Paris
I woke up to a beautiful soft grey Paris summer day this morning. I could hear cars and pedestrians passing down below in the streets like the heartbeat of a city.
We arrived late yesterday afternoon and was booked into our light and roomy bachelors flat in the first floor of the Cite des Arts on the bank of the Seine. We are a stone’s throw from the magnificent Notre Dame cathedral. We unpacked and had our first Parisian dinner at a street cafe and bought some stuf for breakfast before settling in for the night. Ready for a new adventure. With lights off came all the dark thoughts in my mind. “Do I deserve all this?” ” Am I good enough?” “What if..?”
But this morning early I woke up with: Yes! Lets go!
I was out at first light. This beautiful city was still sleeping. All tourists still in bed! Crisp morning air, wet pavements and beautiful old buildings greeted me. I was on the Ile St_Louis. The Seine floing softly around the little island. Little shop windows is like windows into secret worlds, each one beautifully decorated.
I always love doors and handles as well. They facinate me! What lies behind each one of them?
I ended up in Notre Dame Cathederal. All was quiet. The great cathederal welcoming me. The big space enclosed in soft light, people praying in corners before work.
I went home for breakfast. we visited the vibrant Marche D’Alegrie. It is a fruit market with beautiful fresh fruit. Smells. noise of venders shouting and peole buying add to the experience. We rush of home with our loot for lunch.
Artist Roland Gräfe
Yesterday I had the privilege to visit the studio of the painter and grafic artist Roland Gräfe. He is an expressionistic painter and does the most spontaneous grafic work.
At first the storm of colors were to much for me but is quickly grew on me. The artist is as energetic as his paintings. This man is a prolific worker.
I am glad for the opportunity to meet him.
Frauenkirche Dresden
Bundestag. Berlin
Ending or beginning
Every ending
is a new beginning
Life ends here…
And starts again.
At midday today I will close the door on 21 years in a sucsessful gynaecological practice, to start a new life. Many interesting things lead to this happening. It is really sad. But at the same time I am filled with fear and excitement. Fear for the unknown and excitement for a new life with many great new chalenges…
But first, a great new adventure. The love of my life, Frederika, and I are leaving for two months in Paris. The city of Lights. We will be living in the Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris where I was awarded a two month art residency. We will spend it in a bachelors flat in a building on the righ bank of the Seine a stone throw away from the Notre Dame cathedral. Watch this space for photo’s in the near future. Our neighbours will be 80 artists, writers and musicians from all over the world who received the same privilege to immerse ouselfs in the art and culture of Paris and the world.
Yes, I do realise how fortunate I am.
But first we will visit friends of many years in Berlin, Germany. Afterwards we are off to a few days in Dresden with another previous exchange student and son, Max. On August the third we will book into our sabbatical and rest before we start our new life in October.
Watch this space for daily updates…