Second last day

We woke up to a perfectly bright sunny day. Sunshine but not hot. Frederika was busy on the internet so I left to walk along the Seine, something I did almost every day. The second last day here. I can not believe this is almost over.

Tonight is my exhibition. It is not the strongest collection of works I presented as an exhibition, but I am presenting it as my personal memories of Paris. Places and things I have seen and that has influenced me in the short two months. I know that the real effect will only start showing in a few months time. Things must first mature, like good wine.

My exhibition

Continue reading Second last day

Last Sunday

We waited for perfect weather to take our planned trip to Giverny. It is where Clause Monet made his home and planted the gardens that he painted for the rest of his life.

At last we get the chance for going somewhere by train. Getting train tickets seems more difficult than I remember… Since we woke up a little late it was a scramble to get to Gare Saint Lazare on time, but we made it!

Continue reading Last Sunday

Saturday for Maillol

After seeing the chateau of Fontainebleau yesterday I can’t help but think about modern art. The art in an castle like that is overwhelming. How can a poor contemporary artist compete with the art displayed there? Paintings larger than life, floor to ceiling with spectacular gilded frames. Can one ever improve on that? Above all there is an setting that cannot be improved upon.

No wonder modern artists do all kinds of tricks to try and get some attention.

Continue reading Saturday for Maillol

Friday to Fontainebleau

In the night I thought about how much I loved going to the movies as a student. All the Morricone music I know and live so well. Maybe in the next few years, if I am not on call 24/7 it will be great to go to the movies again regularly. I stopped going because it is frustrating to be bothered by the phone two or three times during a film, not to mention all the glances of the other irritated movie patrons.

Early of this morning to we are off to Fontainebleau. Our friend Jan joined in. He has been there before so day it should be easier to get there. Or so I thought …

Our first real train trip this holiday. We have not been out of town in the last two months. We had a lot of plans to visit friends in Netherlands, Friesland and Germany, but our days were really full and we didn’t feel like missing anything that Paris had to offer. Frederika dit not want to do the tourist thing but I wanted it all. What good is an art residency if I can’t see all the art? And the music, and the architecture and experience the people who makes the city what it is. I do not think I did too badly.

The train trip is only forty minutes. I love trains. It could last all day and I would still be happy.Then we went by bus to the little town.

The castle is beautiful. Even though it is spread over ackers, incomparison with Versailles this is a more person friendly castle. Not as big and not nearly as imposing. Being built over many centuries be different kings it has an eclectic look. Bits from every era.

The interior is very lavish of course, but the rooms are smaller and on a more human scale. Every little detail has a personal touch. All made by craftsman. Beautiful!

The gardens and parks are big, beautiful and well kept. It would have been wonderful to spend more time here as we had an absolutely perfect sunny day. Sittig outside to draw would be perfect. Well, I did do a little bit of drawing in any case, but..

Madame has chef school tonight so I went of to the local bagel shop. There I sat outside seeing the world go by. It was a perfect evening.

My advert is up for my exhibition on Monday. No turning back now.

Three studio exhibitions tonight. One of them a video show of a few artists. All weird and wonderful.

Who knows the music of Ennio Morroconiw

We are so fixated on money and possessions. If somebody owes you money it can lead to a loss of friendship or bad feelings. Money is like water, it tend to flow away without us noticing. And we can always make more money if it comes to that.

We should be jealous of our time. We have just so much. Once this moment is gone, we will never have it again. We should be more selfish with our time and more careless about money. I hate it when people waste my time. On the other hand I appreciate it most is somebody is willing to spend their precious time with me. Use your time well.

Some time ago I read that, if we reach the age of eighty we will have 24 280days at our disposal. Today I have less than 8 900 left. That feels like nothing! And we do not even if we will be privileged enough to live that long, or will be healthy enough to enjoy those days! We must start to appreciate every moment. Today!

Another wild goose chase today. Fortunately not all my fault but that is another story. We ended up going to the Pierre Lachaise cemetery. It sounds funny but it was such a relaxing quiet morning. The cemetery is green with huge trees and shade. I love the slightly run down feeling one experiences in a place like this. Everything is slightly overgrown, moss covered and slight decay. I think one can spend a long time there and take incredible photos.

Continue reading Who knows the music of Ennio Morroconiw

Artist & Traveller