
  1. I thought a lot about being an artist and the difficulty in making a living out of being creative. The autobiography of Phillip Glass made me think about it in a different light. Even after he became world famous he still had a day job: taxi driver, plumber, artist studio helper. From all his side jobs he learned something that made his art richer and more interesting.

I do not know many people who live their passion. Whose job is their ultimate dream. Most people do their job so that they can make a living. I am very fortunate to live my passion. But sometimes I do dream about living a creative life. I realized how much one can create if there is no other time consuming task waiting to get done.

Human beings are so fortunate to be able to be creative. Maybe I should be content to be able to do my small bit of creative output and be content that I can do it. At least I can by doing this put some joy in someone’s day. And one day leave a little more behind than a small pile of dust….

I did the whole wild goose chase number again today. All the way to Clignancourt to come, once more, to hunt out the antiques market and ended before closed doors. But at least I know where it is! Will I go again? Maybe…

Continue reading Wednesday



I initially was very intimidated by the modern art that young artists at the Cité practiced. Installations with a few superficially incoherent objects that is exhibited but with a deep, well developed exploration and a lot of thought going into it all. But not at all art in the conventional sence of the word.

But I calmed my fears and decided to do an open studio exhibition. When I started counting I had almost 60 artworks. Not bad for a two month period!  Added to that there is another almost 60 You Tube videos that I also realized. I will also exhibit sketchbooks/ journals of our stay here.

Continue reading Tuesday


Today I hardly left home. Madame had a cooking class and initially I thought I would go to the palace of Fountainbleue but I started painting and the plans just disappeared. Tonight I have three finished paintings, some more satisfying than others. 

But it was a good day. Frederika had a good a good day at chef school and brought home the results.

My new friend, Jan Steyn, came for dinner and we chatted like old friends. Strange how one can sometimes form a bond with someone as if you knew one another for years.



Artist & Traveller