
With no plans for today I started drawing some of the places I have been to in Paris. From there I started with two small oils, one on canvas paper and one on board. It is so relaxing to be able to paint and draw without knowing you have to hurry to do something or feeling guilty for not doing something that needs urgent attention.

I could experiment with new techniques and enjoy myself.

With sketches I worked out a new technique as well that I like, but that too will probably change some more in the few days left.

Continue reading Tuesday


To come back to the art and music of the last few days, it might all come back to the times we are living in. We live in the age of information. Everybody uses Google countless times every day. The new music and art l saw and heard all needed explanations to be understood. It might be time to read up on what and whoever’s art you are seeing.

Older art go by themes as well. If we look at Michaelangelo’s David we know him from Bible stories. We do not need to read up on it. We know the story of Genisis. We do not need anyone to explain the Sistene chapel frescoes to us.

I often say I am to dumb for poetry, but even poetry comes with a pre history. Now I am going to Google before I read my poetry.

This is a great exhibition I ran into today. Fortunately I did not need Google!

I decided today that I am a sick man. Frederika and me went out to lunch and some shopping, but after a while we split up. I spend most of my time in little bookshops and paper shops. Not that I need any, but I had to look, to feel and sniff it all. Not healthy ,I would say! But beautiful..


And another….

And of course the odd church or six and more old buildings. Just being here, feeling the vibe and breathing the air.

Just look at this fresco in a church that is not even in an tourist guide. It is huge beautiful and  quiet. Nobody there. I could just sit and stare in wonder!

There was a little sun late this afternoon and I enjoyed a walk along the Seine and drawing the last two bridges between the left bank of Paris and the island of the Notre Dame.

More American Music

Synchronisity . That is the theory that things happen to you when you are ready to receive when  you are prepared to receive it. The last few days were incredible.

Before leaving home I read in the BBC Music Magazine about the autobiography of one of my idols, Phillip Glass. The book is not available on Amazon yet. But I found it in Shakespeare and Co, the bookstore , in Paris. He writes about all his artist and composer friends, like Adams, Reich and Cage.

I watch lot of You Tube to catch up.
I decide not to ever see John Cage performances.
I then meet Jan Steyn. We talk about Silence and the Cage music 4’ 33 seconds ( about silence)
Next I see an American touring orchestra, the Cincinatti orchestra, visiting Paris. They present an all American program and three separate concerts to illustrate modern music from America. It is the first time ever I have even seen these works on a program, anywhere!

Continue reading More American Music

More Thoughts on Silence

The Does Capitalism make people unhappy? I see people all over Paris, the City of Light and Love, but neither love nor light is reflected from their eyes and faces. Generally people I see on the streets seem to be deeply unhappy. Is it because of Capitalism. We live in a world driven by consumerism. Advertisement tell us that if we have this or that we will be happy.

But the moment you have it you know there is something better that you do not have. Your friends will have something bigger..
Consumerism is destroying our happiness and our world. I am sure if we go from ‘ must have ‘ to just buying what we need we would be much happier and more content.
We must learn to live in the moment. To enjoy what is in front of us and tell people about it. Give compliments and appreciate everyday things.
The best way to improve somebody’s life is to thank and compliment them.
When last did you do that?

I think back on the video I talked of yesterday on Silence. Maybe we should apply that to every aspect of our lives. Decrease input into our over stimulated lives. Make time to be quiet. Less electronic stimuli. Limit Facebook and e-mail to a specific time of our day. Buy less stuff we do not need, ever to stay out of shops if you don’t have to be there. No TV. I promice you , you will not miss anything. We are 5 years without one in the house, and we have time to get things done!  Try it!

Just have a look at the trailer:

Continue reading More Thoughts on Silence


I wrote with my fountain pen today after a long time of electronic blogging. Writing is a creative process. Much more so than typing. I just love the marks a good fountain pen makes on paper. Since I came to Paris I neclected my trusted Morning Pages.
It is a technique I learned from Julia Cameron’s book The Artists Way. It is like early morning meditation and planning for the day in one. The key to my creativity.
I can advise it to anyone. And it must be pen on paper!

I had a quiet morning. We had an appointment to meet somebody for tea at eleven. I am still not quite sure how it came about ( and neither does he.)

Continue reading Friday

Artist & Traveller