“Seek what magnifies your spirit” – Patti Smith
By being on a creative sabbatical means that I look at a lot of art and that I think a lot about the creative process.
There are so many variables. For myself at the moment: I am out of my studio and must make do with what I have. The size of my brushes have already influenced my style.
I like to look at an artwork in front of me and let it speak for itself. But there is so much more going into it! The artists emotional state, his wellbeing, the influence of news happening out there, seasons, light conditions, studio or wirking outside.
Seeing Picasso once more made me aware that as an artist my first priority is to draw, draw, draw. Until you can do it eyes closed. In the Picasso Museum is an collection of 70 000 works of art. And every collection of modern art worldwide includes more. His work is mesmerizing. It just proves the statement of practice makes oerfect.
On the next 70 000 drawings! Cheers! Just do it…